WhatsApp — which happens to be the most popular instant messaging app — has over 1.5 billion active monthly users. According to the company, over two billion minutes of calls are made on its service every day. And now, users will be able to add more people to their voice and video calls by clicking on the ‘Add Participant’ button that appears on top right corner of their screen. The option of making these calls is coming to both Android and iOS and the company has said that these calls will be end-to-end encrypted. While voice calls came to WhatsApp in 2014, video calls were introduced on the platform just two years back in 2016. The support for group voice and video calls was first announced at Facebook’s flagship event — F8 — this year. The messaging app has also been in news for curbing the spread of misinformation on its platform. It recently started labeling forwarded messages on its platform. The label automatically gets added to any message, image, video or audio message that the user chooses to forward. In addition to this, it has also set a limit to number of people one can forward a message to. These steps have been taken by WhatsApp after some serious issues reportedly cropped up because of fake news spread by users on the platform. According to reports, rumours of child abductions led to deaths in India and some media reports also claimed that false information about yellow fever vaccine caused the disease to resurge in Brazil.

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