Coming back to PUBG Mobile, it is not a stranger when it comes to borrowing elements from entertainment franchises. And by picking up the outfit from such a popular film, it surely has made the right choice to woo Indian players. The Baahubali inspired outfit has been named as ‘The Great Indian Warrior’ and it is already available to purchase from the game’s item shop. You can either purchase the Indian warrior themed costume in two pieces or in a single go. But if you buy it in a single go, you will get a discount of 25%. Since the outfit is a new one, when you launch PUBG Mobile, you would see it getting promoted via in-game advertising. It is worth mentioning that the price of the outfit is 1,260 UC (PUBG Mobile in-game currency – Unknown Cash), but if you press the ‘Get It Now’ button, you would get a discount of 25% and the price will come down to 945 UC. The offer is valid till May 15 in PUBG Mobile. As we mentioned earlier, PUBG Mobile players can also get the outfit items separately. The headgear, which is called the ‘Great Indian Warrior Headpiece’, can be bought for 360 UC. The rest of the costume, which has the chest armour, wrist and arm protection, and the bottom wear can be bought at 900 UC from the shop.

However, we should also point out that ‘The Great Indian Warrior’ does not seem to be in collaboration with the official makers of Baahubali. But then, the outfit does have an uncanny resemblance to the clothes that were worn by the character in the popular film. There is no doubt about the fact that it is inspired by the film. PUBG Mobile has also introduced Resident Evil inspired content and in the past, it has also added exclusive in-game costumes by collaborating with Japanese clothing brand A Bathing Ape, which is more popularly known as BAPE.

PUBG Mobile gets a Baahubali inspired outfit  available with a limited period discount - 88PUBG Mobile gets a Baahubali inspired outfit  available with a limited period discount - 6