Not being prepared for an early fight

While some players prefer to drop in crowded areas to get some easy kills, others like to drop in distant areas away from others so that they can collect their weapons safely. If you are among the latter, do keep in mind that even though you prefer to land in secluded areas, it doesn’t mean that you are the only one over there. so always be ready for an early attack in the game or you may get killed.

Not paying attention to sound

We have said it earlier and we’ll say it again: Always play PUBG with headphones on. And make sure you pay attention to the sounds in the game as before your enemy approaches you, you will hear his footsteps. However, if you are not closely listening to sounds, you miss your enemy’s move and get killed.

Ignoring obvious baits

If you hear any shooting around you, try and notice the pattern to determine if the first is real or fake. Your enemy may be luring you to kill you as this is a simple way to get easy kills. Falling for such baits is definitely a deadly mistake.

Shooting at enemies out of your range

This is one among the most common mistakes that people make. In order to attack first, if you engage with an enemy who’s actually out of your range, you will firstly not be able to kill him, and secondly, you’ll be giving away your position. So doing this is actually very dangerous and can prove to be deadly.

Staying at the same position after being spotted

If you have been spotted by your enemy, he would know exactly where you are and exactly where to aim in order to kill you. So, it’s incredibly important to change your position once you get spotted and you should do so without delay. Staying at the same position after their enemy knows where they are, is surely a big mistake that PUBG players make.

Running in a straight line

When you run in a straight line, you actually let your enemies align a perfect shot. So even when you are in a rush, try running in a zig-zag pattern to avoid being killed.

Peeking from a predictable angle

If you are hidden and are peeking to spot your enemies, don’t do it from a predictable angle. Your enemy may be expecting you to peek from there and it may become an easy kill for them.

Standing still without any cover

This is probably the easiest way of getting yourself killed in PUBG. Don’t do it unless you are bored with the game and want to exit.

Fighting without cover

Fighting with cover helps you avoid getting killed and lets you heal up. Needless to say, fighting without it multiplies your chances of being killed. This may be one among the biggest mistakes that you can make while playing PUBG.

Running to catch the supply drop as soon as it falls

If you see a crate falling from a plane close to where you are standing, you would mostly just rush to get it. However, remember that a lot of others would do the same, so you would be exposing yourself to getting killed. Instead, hide near it and kill all those who come to get the crate of supply drop and then get it for yourself.

Not looting smart

Loot only when required to and not whenever you can. By looting whenever there is a chance, you may actually be putting yourself in a deadly situation. For instance, if you just killed a player and you rush to loot them, you’re actually just putting yourself out in the open for your enemies to kill you.

Not keeping a track of remaining players

This may not be very useful in the beginning, but once there are only 10 players remaining, you must keep a track of how many are alive. Doing this can prove to be a literal life-saver. For instance, if there are six people alive including you, and you can hear to enemies fighting amongst themselves on your right and two on your left. In such a case, being aware of one more player being alive will make you more cautious as he may be standing somewhere behind you to kill you. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. [td_smart_list_end]

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